Helping Separation Anxiety In Children

Child Separation Anxiety

Many Children Face Separation Anxiety From the moment your baby is born your child will have a primary caregiver, most probably you…and you will be by their side everyday. Unfortunately for every child there comes a time in their life when he has to spread his wings and discover the big wide world…which may not [...]

Separation Anxiety Disorder In Children – Symptoms and Treatments

It is not uncommon for a child to feel separation anxiety when they are not with their parents. As a small child, being left with another person can create anxiety. Once the child has come to the realization that the parent will return the separation anxiety becomes less and less. Sometimes, for a variety of [...]

Panic Attacks In Children and Identifying The Symptoms

As a parent it is difficult watching your child go through a panic attack. There are many symptoms of panic attacks in children. The panic attacks are not a disease but the symptoms indicate the presence of a disorder. The symptoms of panic attacks in children can be treated both medically and through therapy. Identifying [...]

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