Dealing With Adult Separation Anxiety Disorder

Experiencing and Coping with Adult Separation Anxiety Separation anxiety is quite a common problem in children as most kids experience this during their toddler years or early childhood, but did you know that there are people trying to cope with adult separation anxiety disorder too? The indications of this anxiety disorder are basically the same [...]

Separation Anxiety In Children

Toddler and Child Separation Anxiety Disorder Is Very Real Separation anxiety disorder is usually something that small children experience when their parents leave them, even for a short time. In most cases, children grow out of this condition as they get older and begin to understand that their parents are coming back, however, once in [...]

Negative Effects of Severe Separation Anxiety

When someone is separated from a loved one or taken away from a familiar place for a long time, there is a chance that they might develop severe separation anxiety. This is not just your typical sadness due to being apart, but is much worse. In fact, this particular type of anxiety can be very [...]

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