Child Separation Anxiety – Preschool

Helping Your Child Overcome Separation Anxiety in Preschool

Most children go through some level of separation anxiety, usually between the ages of 8 months to 2 years. Normally, the problem goes away on its own as the child matures but there are still numerous cases of separation anxiety in preschoolers or even older kids.

Sometimes, even kids who have outgrown separation anxiety by the time they are 2 or 3 may experience a relapse when they begin preschool. The main reason for this is because they are suddenly thrown into a whole new world with new people, new surroundings and new experiences, and they might feel overwhelmed by all the changes. The risk of child separation anxiety in preschool is made even worse when the parent or guardian attempts to leave the child in the care of the preschool teachers.

Most Effective Remedies

There is no magical cure that can instantly stop or completely prevent separation anxiety in children, although there are definitely several techniques that you can try that may work very well. The best way to go about it is to familiarize the child with the school environment some time before he actually has to go to school. Take him to see his future school a few times so that he can see what goes on. In fact, seeing the children happily playing and doing various activities in the school usually entices young kids to join in, so he will become excited instead of scared about going to school himself.

Another effective way of preventing separation anxiety in preschool children, is to introduce your child to his future teacher a few days before classes begin. Most preschools allow such orientation sessions because these introductions can build the child’s trust in the teacher, and will definitely make it easier for everybody when it’s time to leave the child during the first day of school. Once classes do start, always make sure that you are waiting outside the door when it’s time for the kids to go home. This will reassure your child that you will always be there after school, hence he won’t feel so anxious about being away from you for a couple of hours.

Finally, it also helps reduce separation anxiety in school if your child has had a lot of practice interacting with different people. Therefore, you should take every opportunity to introduce him to people, particularly children that are around his age. By doing this, you can make him feel more comfortable when he is suddenly surrounded by new faces in school, and he won’t feel nervous or anxious about it at all.

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Helping Separation Anxiety In Children

Many Children Face Separation Anxiety

From the moment your baby is born your child will have a primary caregiver, most probably you…and you will be by their side everyday. Unfortunately for every child there comes a time in their life when he has to spread his wings and discover the big wide world…which may not appear to pleasant to them. These are the times when anxiety in children will rear its ugly head.

Child Separation Anxiety

Child Separation Anxiety

It is during these times that a child is brought to the daycare center for the first time, or is left alone with the babysitter while mom goes back to work.

It is also during these times that symptoms of separation anxiety in children may begin.

If children are not helped at the first signs of a problem, this is when there is the possibility of it developing into their teenage years and later it can lead to adult separation anxiety disorder.

Either way, any form of anxiety exhibited in children needs to be addressed immediately before any long term trauma or effects develop.

A Typical Scenario of Separation Anxiety In Children

The child is about to start daycare and is actually very excited, but when the time comes for the parent to leave, he refuses to let them go and breaks down in tears when he realizes that he is really going to be left behind.

Separation anxiety in children can be quite tough to deal with, not only for the child but also for the parents. It may give you some consolation to know, however, that this is an ordinary situation that millions of parents go through, and that it can easily be overcome. There are self-help programs available too, that will show you how to help your child. If it isn’t an ‘ordinary’ situation you will soon begin to know. If the problem continues longer than the other children you may want to seek professional advice.

If it is a temporary situation, the best way to deal with it, is to simply talk to your child and reassure them that you will be back. This is actually what triggers separation anxiety in children in the first place — the fear that you are going to leave them for good and that you won’t be coming back.

Just say a quick goodbye and don’t linger around too long. While some children feel better when they see you outside the room waving at them every time they look out, others may feel more agitated with seeing you outside, knowing that you are about to leave, so you may have to try different approaches to see which will work better for your child.

Most of the time, separation anxiety in children goes away after a few days, when the child finally gets used to his new surroundings and routine. If you see no signs of improvement after a couple of weeks, you may want to bring your child to a therapist who can work with you in helping your child deal with his separation anxiety. Just make sure you stay with him all throughout the sessions to give him support.

With patience and determination, your child will surely be able to overcome this problem and thankfully not have to face adult separation anxiety disorder later.

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