Child Anxiety Disorders and Helpful Tips

All children experience some feelings of anxiety and stress. You probably remember having anxiety as a child yourself! I know I do! These feelings are usually temporary, however, feelings of anxiety can continue into the teen and adult years. Many children don’t suffer any lasting ramifications, but today, one out of eight children suffers from […]

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Child Separation Anxiety – Preschool

Helping Your Child Overcome Separation Anxiety in Preschool Most children go through some level of separation anxiety, usually between the ages of 8 months to 2 years. Normally, the problem goes away on its own as the child matures but there are still numerous cases of separation anxiety in preschoolers or even older kids. Sometimes, […]

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Helping Separation Anxiety In Children

Many Children Face Separation Anxiety You have probably seen the stress and emotional tears experienced with separation anxiety in children. From the moment your baby is born, you are there for them as the primary carer. Unfortunately for every child there comes a time in their life when they have to leave your side…which may […]

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Separation Anxiety In Children

Toddler and Child Separation Anxiety Disorder Separation anxiety in children, is nothing new, but it is a very real disorder. It is usually something that small children experience when their parents leave them, even for a short time. In most cases, children grow out of this condition and begin to understand that their parents are […]

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Separation Anxiety Disorder In Children – Symptoms and Treatments

It is not uncommon for a child to feel separation anxiety when they are not with their parents. As a small child, being left with another person can create anxiety. Once the child has come to the realization that the parent will return the separation anxiety becomes less and less. Sometimes, for a variety of […]

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Causes of Child Anxiety Attacks

Child anxiety, just like that of adults, is a normal, healthy emotion felt as a response to certain stimuli. However, when anxiety becomes recurring, irrational and intense, it may be considered as a disorder. Episodes of anxiety attacks can disable the child from performing his daily duties in school and at home, and therefore a […]

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