Mental Health – Why Not Put Yourself In A Better Mood?

When you put yourself in a better mood, you find that you can take on many of life’s challenges with little or no effort. Using essential oils is a great way to do that. Did you know that your mood determines how you perform on every day tasks? If you’re cranky, for instance, and you’re […]

Anxiety Depression – A Problem All Of It’s Own

If you suffer from anxiety of any kind, then it’s likely that you have also suffered with anxiety depression, which is a form of depression brought about by the anxiety that you feel you cannot control. When you suffer from anxiety, it is often difficult not to feel as if you’re falling into depression because […]

Bipolar Depression Symptom – Understanding and Treating

There are many types and symptoms to depression, including one known as bipolar depression. There are many reasons why you may experience depression. It was once thought that depression was based on outward experiences in which the person suffered depression due to negative circumstances. However, today it is widely believed that severe depression is caused […]

The State of Manic Depression Is Serious

There are many people who see the state of manic depression as one of the worst kinds of depression that afflicts people. They also refer to it as bipolar depression. Manic depression gets its name from its actual duality. The manic is the extreme high or feeling of being up. The depression part is commonly […]

There Are Many Depression Symptoms

Everyone becomes down or sad at times. Life events, or just a bad day can sometimes make us upset, and small things like bad traffic can make us irritable. But when a person experiences constant feelings of sadness and irritability, is exhausted with little or no activity, decreases in social activity or participating in usually […]

Making Effective Use of Available Manic Depression Treatment

Depression has devastating effects on teens. Indeed, experts believe that it plays a significant role in adolescent eating disorders, psychosomatic illnesses, difficulties at school, and instances of substance abuse. More tragically, manic depression has been linked to teen suicide. According to the U.S. National Institute of Mental Health, as many as 7 percent of severely […]

Are You Suffering From Depression?

There are actually a lot of clinical symptoms for depression. Since symptoms of depression actually vary, the time of the “attacks” varies as well. Prolonged periods of sadness or not feeling “up to it,” people who are always feeling not in the mood could be showing signs of depression. They could also just mope around […]

Chronic Depression in Everyday Life

Dysthymia or Chronic Depression Symptoms and Treatments Chronic depression is a mental health disorder that lasts for a long period of time. For example, it could be as long as two years or more. It is also known as Dysthymia. It can refer to ongoing depression that never subsides or to depression that comes and […]

What Are Symptoms Of Depression?

Depression is a serious illness that can affect anyone. It may be a family member or even yourself. This is why it is important not to ignore or hide this mental disorder. It is also very important to know what the depression symptoms are, the causes and what options there are to either prevent or […]

Light Therapy for Treating Depression

Light Box Treatment For Depression and Seasonal Affective Disorder Has there been any development in researching new ways of treating different types of depression? It is said that over the last few years, there has been a great number of diagnosed and treated cases of depression and SAD – seasonal affective disorder. In the course […]