Depression Anxiety Medication – Dopamine and Serotonin Treatment

Natural Antidepressant Supplements For Anxiety and Depression

Antidepressant medications or natural depression supplements may relieve some of your anxiety and depression symptoms. You may have also heard of dopamine and serotonin, as they have gotten a lot of press lately. This is because new studies show that these are two of the essential chemicals in the body that help us to maintain an overall sense of wellbeing and fight feelings of depression and anxiety.

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Sometimes there is a chemical imbalance and it has been found that the body either doesn’t make enough of these chemicals or the receptors in the brain are blocked. Therefore our good mood and ability to stay happy can really suffer.

How Does Dopamine and Serotonin Help?

In people who are not depressed and are considered to be healthy overall, dopamine and serotonin are found at optimal healthy levels. These chemicals help us to feel good and fight depression from problems which can occur in our daily lives.


Dopamine is considered to be the “feel good, pleasure chemical”. Your levels of dopamine can fluctuate throughout your day, but healthy people have enough of it in their bodies to stay happy most of the time. Dopamine is also considered to be an anti-aging chemical as well.

Here’s an example: think of something that makes you feel really, really good. Let’s take sex, for instance. It can make you feel happy long after the act is over and you can feel like you’re floating on air. Many people say that it makes you glow and maybe it does, but do you know why? As a result of a satisfying intimate life, your body releases more dopamine, which leaves you feeling happy for hours and sometimes days afterward and gives you that “glow” that so many people refer to. When you have enough of this in your system, you cannot go wrong – ever.


Serotonin, on the other hand, is a more calming chemical that controls your overall state of well being. You find that when you have enough serotonin in your system, you are less likely to find every problem to be earth shattering and you’re able to work through your issues more easily and this can ease and prevent depression symptoms.

When your hormone levels are at a healthy level, you can feel satisfied, happy and ready to take on anything that life throws at you.

If You Don’t have Enough Dopamine and Serotonin, What Can You Do?

If you don’t have enough serotonin and dopamine, you shouldn’t worry. Lots of people don’t have enough of these hormones in their bodies. It’s not because they can’t get it, it’s because their bodies aren’t making enough of it. Unfortunately, you cannot get these hormones from the foods you eat or magically get them, but you can take depression anxiety medication supplements which can help to stimulate your body into making more of these essentials so that you can begin feeling better all the time.

If you take natural depression anxiety medications, they are designed to help your body to do the work to heal itself. You are simply working to get your body back into the working order you need so that you can begin to feel good again.

If you’re suffering from depression or anxiety or both, you need to know there is help, so why not find out how you can increase the amount of serotonin and dopamine in your body today? You can read my Provanax review or visit the official Provanax website by clicking the banner below.


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