Anxiety Disorder is More Common than You Think

Anxiety is one of those things that we all feel from time to time. It can be seen as nervousness over a big project at work, money you make or worry over how your date will turn out. We all have anxiety and we all deal with it, but more and more people are finding that they are suffering with anxiety disorder and it is literally ruining their lives.

Maybe you’re not sure what anxiety disorder is, but chances are you or someone you know has it. For instance, do you know someone who is constantly worried that something is bound to go wrong no matter what? Even if you’re painting your living room, this is the person that is just certain that you are going to spill that bright pink paint all over the beautiful white carpeting. Not only do they worry about it, because it’s normal to want to be cautious in this situation, but they nearly drive themselves crazy obsessing about what they will do if the pink paint spills. This is caused anxiety disorder and it is much, much more common than you think.

Anxiety today is something that many people suffer from and it’s brought about by constant feelings of stress. When you feel a little bit of stress, it’s normal and even a good thing. It can trigger a fight or flight response in us, which in turn causes a rush of adrenaline throughout the body. In singular instances, this is helpful because it can help to give us the extra burst of energy we might need to complete a project, fearlessness we might need to present that ad campaign just perfectly or strength we could use to get through a big marathon. In the case of anxiety disorder, the body is constantly living at a heightened state of anxiety, which perpetuates itself and can result in problems such as panic attacks if we don’t work to relieve the anxiety.

Many people who suffer from anxiety disorder seek professional help or go to their healthcare professional for prescription medications which are thought to ease the symptoms of anxiety. When a person has anxiety disorder to such a degree that they suffer from panic attacks, however, the use of prescription medications may not be enough to stop these things from occurring. Many people who suffer from this condition are struggling to find new ways to ease their anxiety and overcome the condition on their own without medication.

If you suffer from anxiety disorder, you owe it to yourself to learn how to break the cycle of negative thought and anxiety that could be ruining your life. There are ways in which you can stop even the most severe cases of anxiety disorder and get your life back with renewed confidence and joy. No matter if you’re taking prescription medications that leave you feeling numb or your struggling to deal with your anxiety alone, it’s more important than ever to take the time to heal yourself so that you can stop being afraid and start living.

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