Are You Dealing With Postpartum Depression and Anxiety?

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How Can You Conquer Postpartum Depression?

Having a baby is one of the brightest highlights of a woman’s life. It is an event that calls for celebration and is marked by happiness, love and hope, but for some women, this joyous occasion is short-lived. Soon after giving birth, they start to feel extremely sad, agitated, and scared, which are all indications of postpartum depression anxiety.

According to studies, approximately 12 percent of all mothers suffer from postpartum depression anxiety in varying degrees. Among the most common telltale signs of this condition is extreme nervousness about taking care of the baby and constant worry that they won’t be adequate mothers to their babies.

It is perfectly normal to feel a little nervous and scared after giving birth, especially if it’s your first baby, but if these feelings are quite intense, then you may indeed be suffering from postpartum depression anxiety.

More Symptoms of Postpartum Depression and Anxiety

Other signs that may indicate the beginning of the disorder include listlessness, difficulties in sleeping, helplessness, lack of interest in your usual favorite activities, and irrational fears. Sometimes, the best treatment of this disorder is to just let it run its course, as it will possibly or eventually pass. If the feelings get worse, then it may be time to talk to a doctor to get proper medical treatment.

Who Is At Risk of Acquiring This Disorder?

As mentioned, only about 12 percent of all women suffer from postpartum depression and anxiety, but is there a way of knowing whether you are prone to the disorder or not? Unfortunately, there is no guarantee as to whether or not you will experience the disorder. There are, however, certain factors that increase a woman’s likelihood of succumbing to postpartum depression anxiety.

For example, the US Department of Health and Human Services has found that almost all women who go through postpartum woes have had certain issues, such as:

  • falling pregnant at a very young age
  • have a history of drug abuse
  • have had pregnancy difficulties in previous occasions
  • or have a family history of depression or other psychological disorder.

These are not necessarily the reason, but many have had these occurrences happen to them. In addition, if you have recently gone through some very stressful times in your life, or if you have not received adequate support from friends and relatives during your pregnancy. In this case, it is strongly recommended that you see a doctor both for your own health and wellbeing, as well as the baby’s.

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About Jennifer Johnson

I suffered with social anxiety and stress for years. I discovered what my triggers were and learned to control them. Hopefully some of the natural anxiety relief techniques I have tried, will also be your solution. Follow me on Twitter · G+ Health Solutions · Pinterest

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