What Is Anxiety?

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Do you ever hear people talk about anxiety, but wonder what anxiety really is? Many people mistakenly think that if they are stressed, they have anxiety, but this isn’t necessarily true. What you need to know is that many feelings of anxiety are perfectly normal and if you feel occasional anxiety, this doesn’t mean that you have a type of anxiety disorder.

What Is Anxiety

When we ask ‘what is anxiety’, there can be a few answers depending on the type of anxiety disorder. If a person has social anxiety, their anxiety is different to a person suffering with a fear of driving , or to another that is diagnosed with GAD, who worries daily about everything.

You can also describe anxiety as a feeling of fear, nervousness or worry. The average person feels anxiety for only a short time and the anxiety passes, whereas for others anxiety is a serious problem…that doesn’t go away.

For a person who suffers with any anxiety disorder regularly, the feeling that many feel occasionally is what a person who suffers with anxiety can feel all the time. If you are someone that suffers with ongoing anxiety, then you may want to seek help for your symptoms. There are so many things you can do naturally to find relief from your anxiety.

Anxiety and Stress

Stress can go a long way in contributing to a person’s feelings of anxiety too. Often, we aren’t really sure if we do have anxiety or not, so it’s important to consider that like most emotions, anxiety has many different layers that should be explored.

When trying to understand what anxiety really is, it’s helpful to be able to spot the most common anxiety symptoms. Since anxiety itself is a feeling, it can be difficult to give it a solid definition. Symptoms can include a racing heart, or irregular heart beats, headaches and chest pains, a feeling of nausea and sweating palms. Although anxiety is a mental issue, the symptoms are very physical and real!

There are psychological and emotional symptoms that include a feeling of being in danger or feelings of unease.

If you suffer from anxiety, you should know that there are many different treatment options available for you, so if you feel that you are constantly feeling anxiety then you may want to consider one. There are traditional treatments, but there are also natural treatments too.

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About Jennifer Johnson

I suffered with social anxiety and stress for years. I discovered what my triggers were and learned to control them. Hopefully some of the natural anxiety relief techniques I have tried, will also be your solution. Follow me on Twitter · G+ Health Solutions · Pinterest

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