How Anxiety Affects The Body

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Recognizing the Signs of Anxiety

Anxiety is a very natural human emotion, one that most of us feel every now and then. Sometimes, we may already be experiencing it without realizing what it is, mistaking it for some other condition and thus not being able to get the proper anxiety treatment.

To make sure that you can deal with anxiety properly, the first step is to be able to recognize the various anxiety symptoms that you may experience. You may be feeling certain ‘pains’ as anxiety affects our body in different ways.

Common Signs of Anxiety – Physical Symptoms

Anxiety can manifest itself in different ways in different people but there are a few symptoms that are very common in almost all anxiety attacks. For example, many people who suffer from anxiety attacks report feeling a tightness in their chest and difficulty in breathing, quite similar to what happens during a heart attack. Others also experience trembling, hyperventilation, profuse sweating and dizziness.

Emotional Anxiety Symptoms

Other than these physical anxiety symptoms, one would also experience changes in his emotions and way of thinking. For example, a person who is normally happy-go-lucky would find himself contemplating death and other morbid subjects during an anxiety attack. Even after the attack is over, his cognitive abilities may be affected, rendering him unable to solve easy problems or to take care of his usual responsibilities at work or at home.

Furthermore, even the people around the sufferer may also be affected by these anxiety symptoms, especially if they don’t have a full understanding of what is going on.

When it comes to emotions, common anxiety symptoms include the feeling of agitation, fear, panic or frustration. In the more serious cases, a person might even lose a sense of reality, confusing the real world with irrational fears that are only in his mind due to the anxiety disorder.

Is There An Anxiety Cure?

To this day, there is no real cure to anxiety but experts agree that the best way to cope with the condition is to understand the different anxiety symptoms. Many of these symptoms can actually be prevented as long as you have the right attitude and you have a reliable support group of friends and family around you. You may not be able to get rid of the anxiety disorder completely but at least you will be able to get through the attacks without much trouble.

The earlier you detect these anxiety symptoms, the more chances you have of being able to prevent anxiety attacks from happening. So as soon as you notice anything strange, try to see a specialist right away before the problem can get any worse.

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About Jennifer Johnson

I suffered with social anxiety and stress for years. I discovered what my triggers were and learned to control them. Hopefully some of the natural anxiety relief techniques I have tried, will also be your solution. Follow me on Twitter · G+ Health Solutions · Pinterest

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