Mental Health Issues In America [Infographic]

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Living with mental health problems, such as anxiety and depression, isn’t easy. Any psychological disorder causes huge problems in our lives. The following infographic may enlighten you as to just how much the population in America is affected in some way. Can you imagine how many people are affected world-wide?

Produced By Best Psychology Degrees

Whether the problem be alcoholism, drug addiction or any other mental illness, the problem is possibly one of the biggest challenges they will ever face in their life. I was asked to share this infographic with you all and I would love to hear your comments below.

How big do you see the problem?

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About Jennifer Johnson

I suffered with social anxiety and stress for years. I discovered what my triggers were and learned to control them. Hopefully some of the natural anxiety relief techniques I have tried, will also be your solution. Follow me on Twitter · G+ Health Solutions · Pinterest

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