Social Strategies Review – Overcome Shyness and Social Phobia by Jon Mercer

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Jon Mercer shows you how to overcome shyness and social phobias with ‘Social Strategies.’ Jon Mercer, personal development coach and trainer, has helped many clients throughout his career using 8 powerful strategies to get rid of social anxiety. Because his success with these strategies was so great and because he wanted to reach as many people as possible afflicted with social phobias, he’s created the ‘Social Strategies’ audio series in a downloadable format.

Click Here For Social Strategies

Click Here For Social Strategies

If you are one of the many who is uncomfortable at social gatherings, this will be the beginning of a whole new life for you. If you feel like everybody is always staring at you or have problems with acute shyness Social Strategies will turn your life around.

In Social Strategies Jon uses a series of “games”. His theory behind games is simple. Making things fun and creating a more relaxed atmosphere helps open the mind to new ideas and new thought processes. Instead of boring seminars or books where you’re instructed to act one way or another, Jon provides an alternate method to get you involved.

Every personality is different, so one game might work for you while another would work for someone else. Some like to play a different game every week, and some like to stick with the same game for several weeks. Whatever you decide, you have all 8 choices.

Added Bonuses and 100% Money back Guarantee

Jon isn’t just offering the Social Strategies downloadable alone. Right now he’s got a fantastic deal. He’s adding in the Social Visualization Exercise and The 6 Minute Miracle; both are visualization and meditation techniques to help ease you through your social anxiety and give you a confidence boost like you’ve never felt. These are also downloadable and can be used anytime, day or night, from your computer or MP3 player. He advises though, because they are purposed to create a trance-like state, that you not use these if you need to be fully alert or while driving.

In addition to the three above, he throws in one more bonus! The Power to Change is a video coaching session to teach you valuable tips and tricks to making big changes in your life and personality. This entire collection is downloadable, CD burnable and risk free. Jon is so proud of his discovery and confident you will be a changed person he’s offering an 8 week 100% satisfaction money-back guarantee. With all the material provided this easily retails for over $100.

During his special promotion period he’s offering the entire collection for $47.

Imagine feeling like you could be the life of the party. Imagine not caring what others think and that they really could be worried about what you think. Think of a time when social anxiety has pushed you to the back row of an audience or has stopped you from attending a special event – now imagine showing up and making your presence known, without fear, without reservation. That is the feeling you’ll get with Social Strategies and it is priceless!

Social Strategies

About Jennifer Johnson

I suffered with social anxiety and stress for years. I discovered what my triggers were and learned to control them. Hopefully some of the natural anxiety relief techniques I have tried, will also be your solution. Follow me on Twitter · G+ Health Solutions · Pinterest

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  1. I have real bad anxiety and panic attacks when I get around a lot of people. I got so bad at one point that I wouldn’t go anywhere because of it. I can now go places but I still don’t like the uneasy feeling that I get in a crowded place. I wonder if John Mercer’s strategies could benefit me?

    • I can certainly relate to social anxiety and it sounds like your own symptoms were becoming severe and you were agoraphobic.

      Programs like John Mercer’s and The Charles Linden Method are very helpful in managing social anxiety.

      I am sure either of their strategies will benefit you. They both suffered with social anxiety symptoms so they know what it takes to manage and overcome this type of anxiety disorder.

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