Is Stress and The Food You Eat Related?

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Have you ever wondered if you eat more when you’re stressed? Studies show that you might be onto something because many people who are under lots of stress find that they not only eat more, but experience weight gain when they are feeling stressed. In fact, eating food and stress are very closely related, but we all eat all the time, so how can eating be an indicator of the fact that we are suffering from stress?

It’s Not That You Eat; It’s The Foods You Eat


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Most of the time, many of us can maintain a pretty decent diet during normal times in our lives, but stress can trigger many different reactions in the body, such as a constant rush of adrenaline in the system. This can leave us feeling worn out, so as a result we spend time trying to eat more foods which give us a quick energy burst.

This is where high fat, high sugar foods, as well as those foods which are mostly simple carbohydrates come into play. Maybe on its own, eating the occasional donut or piece of cake is no big deal, but when you are constantly eating these foods and not getting the exercise to burn off all the calories, you might wind up with big problems.

Add this to the fact that stress can make us feel tired and usually when we are feeling excessively tired, we tend to eat more, and you’ve got a sure fire recipe for eating foods which you might not ordinarily eat and potentially gaining weight.

Sometimes, Stress Can Have The Opposite Effect

While we most commonly associate stress with eating more food than usual, some people who experience high amounts of stress find that they are unable to eat as much as they would ordinarily. This can lead to weight loss and sometimes if a person is under too much stress for too long, they can wind up with a weakened immune system which will cause them to suffer from colds and the flu more frequently.

In addition to these problems, many people who don’t eat enough due to stress will also find that their skin, hair and nails begin to suffer and can become dry, flaky and brittle.

The best way that you can combat many of these problems is to learn to properly deal with your stress before it becomes a problem. When you know you are working to solve the problems which cause your stress, you might find that you are more able to relax and can begin eating a normal, healthy diet again.

In addition to dealing with your problems which cause you stress, you should also work to de-stress every day, whether through a good exercise routine, meditation or deep breathing and take other measures when necessary, such as taking a warm bath and getting plenty of sleep. Stress can affect how much food you eat, but you can work to fight it and maintain a healthy strong body no matter how much stress you have in your life.

Reloramax helps with natural stress relief and weight control and you can read my Reloramax review for more information.

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About Jennifer Johnson

I suffered with social anxiety and stress for years. I discovered what my triggers were and learned to control them. Hopefully some of the natural anxiety relief techniques I have tried, will also be your solution. Follow me on Twitter · G+ Health Solutions · Pinterest

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  1. Judy Noel says:

    I think you hit the nail on the head with me Jennifer. At the office where I work people are constantly bringing in donuts, cake, cookies and such to share with each other in the morning. It’s a nice gesture, but I don’t need the extra calories and suspect all this extra sugar and carbs are having a bad effect on my body. It’s so tempting however to eat them and at times it would be rude to turn them down.

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