Determining the Problem and Acknowledging the Signs of Manic Depression

It can be difficult to identify the signs of manic depression if you aren’t sure what they are, but now, through new education and better awareness of this problem and other mental illnesses, more and more people are able to overcome any type of depression and begin living full, healthy lives again. The key for many is being able to identify some of the key signs and symptoms of mental illness and working to treat them as soon as possible so that a person has less to deal with.

It is fairly common in mental illnesses such as manic depression for the symptoms to come on slowly, which can make these conditions more difficult to identify, but when you know what to look for, it is still possible to not only identify the signs of conditions such as these and get treatment in a timely manner.

Common Signs

Most of the time, the only real way to determine if a person is suffering from this condition is to know what the signs and symptoms of manic depression are. The signs may be temporary in many cases, but will recur where the person suffering will experience many different changes in his condition.

Some of the signs of manic depression include increased energy which can lead to the feeling of restlessness. At this time, the person suffering will need very little sleep. The patient may also feel nearly euphoric, or “on top of the world”, which might be identified with an almost unnatural happiness. Additionally, another sign of manic depression would be poor judgment.

Other signs of manic depression include unusual amounts of spending money, easily distracted, becoming extremely irritable, and racing thoughts, which will also show in a manic depressive’s speech patterns. They may also have an increased sex drive, aggressive behavior, be provocative or intrusive and when confronted about their changes, the person will exhibit denial.

How it’s Diagnosed

Most health care professionals agree that when these signs of manic depression show up in batches of three or more at a time, the person should be further examined for the condition. If it happens once, then most of the time it’s recommended that the person continue to be watched, but if it’s nearly everyday, or for a week in a row, then it’s time for the diagnostic tests.

After signs of manic depression are noticed, it will be recommended that a person take the manic depression test, which uses other signs and correlates them with family history and progression of the illness. Most of these signs will show up slowly and progress, which is often a good indicator. Your health care professional may find that it’s necessary to further observe the patient to determine if there is in fact an illness.

If the signs of manic depression prove to be present and a person is determined to suffer from this condition, it is important to seek help both through medication and therapy to work on a treatment that will not only eliminate the signs of manic depression, but also can help the patient to live healthy and happy again.

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The State of Manic Depression Is Serious

There are many people who see the state of manic depression as one of the worst kinds of depression that afflicts people. They also refer to it as bipolar depression. Manic depression gets its name from its actual duality. The manic is the extreme high or feeling of being up. The depression part is commonly referred to as feeling down.

Not all mood swings that mimic these intense ups and downs are characterized as manic depression. Conditions such as pre-menstrual syndrome and stress can cause intense mood swings. However, a doctor can properly distinguish between manic depression and other minor mood conditions. Severe mood swings actually are part of being depressed.

When a person is suffering from manic depression, they do not react normally when something goes wrong. Something may irritate or bother someone to the point of being unhappy. But, a manic depression sufferer will take this same situation and go to extremes with their erratic and over the top behavior. They can become overly aggressive and loud over a slight misunderstanding. The manic side of manic depression is seen in the overly euphoric up side of the disorder. The person with manic depression may exhibit risky behavior and extreme bouts of energy and excitement. They may still be irritated and have uncontrollable racing thoughts spiraling in their head. These periods are as unpredictable as the depression itself. There are some experts and therapists who can pin point these manic periods in a manic depression sufferer’s life. They can last anywhere from one day to weeks or more.

The exact opposite occurs for the depression side of manic depression. The victim can have the same thoughts and feelings as someone who is in the throws of clinical depression. These times are typically referred to as down or low periods for the victim. The devastating feelings of worthlessness and hopelessness creep into the mind of someone going through the low period. They can feel lonely, suffer from anxiety, and feel unwanted even by friends and loved ones. A depression episode also usually involves sadness, apathy and a general feeling of pessimism. These feelings can not be helped or easily overcome. If someone is actually depressed for more a week or more can technically be diagnosed with manic depression.

Luckily, this very serious and somewhat common form of depression can be treated if you see the right doctor. If you listen to the therapist who is qualified to treat you, stick to a strict medication routine and follow the proper dosage instructions, you can successfully live with manic depression. You can stop the devastating effects it can have on your life or the life of someone you care for. Even when on medication, it is important and helpful to still see a therapist regularly in order to have someone to talk to. This will allow them to open up and let out emotions they may be feeling about having manic depression and give them an understanding person to confide in. This kind of safe understanding can make someone with manic depression feel less alone.

A cognitive behavior therapist is really your best bet to continuously treating manic depression. A victim of the disorder may want to seek out natural alternatives, but long lasting and reliable relief should be sought through traditional means. Trained therapists and psychiatrist are really the experts in the field and should be listened to when it comes to treating manic depression.

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