Herbs For Anxiety Relief – A Natural Alternative

Dozens of anti-anxiety medications are available today, but few of these conventional treatments are as effective as herbs for anxiety relief. Not only do they produce faster and more evident results, but herbal products can also treat anxiety completely without causing any of the side effects that are so common with regular medications. For this reason, more and more people today are turning to herbs as a natural anxiety treatment.

How do herbal products reduce anxiety?

Modern anti-anxiety medications contain chemical compounds that can trigger the relaxation of the mind and body, effectively reducing an individual’s anxiety levels. Herbs for anxiety contain these same compounds but in their natural state, thus causing no negative side effects. Upon taking these herbs or herbal supplements, a person’s mind immediately goes into a state of relaxation and he is able to let go of the stress and anxiety that is holding him down. Here are some of the most popular herbs used these days to combat anxiety issues:

Marijuana – Legal Anxiety Treatment In Some Areas

Although illegal in most parts of the world, there are certain areas where medical use of this herb is not only allowed but actually encouraged. It is said that a small daily dose of marijuana is enough to ward off any kind of anxiety.

Passion Flower

This herb, which was first used to treat anxiety in South America, is very helpful in calming down tense muscles in different parts of the body, just like anti-anxiety medications do. Unlike prescription drugs, however, passion flower does not cause side effects in a person’s mental and respiratory systems.

Ancient Aztecs were among the first people to have discovered the anti-anxiety properties of the passion flower. For many generations, they have been using these herbs for anxiety, as well as for other disorders including insomnia, high blood pressure and even epilepsy.


Seredyn is very popular herbal product that has been used satisfactorily by millions of people over the years. It is an herbal supplement whose natural components are very effective in reducing anxiety levels and encouraging the mind and body to relax.

Despite being commercially produced, Seredyn does not contain addictive properties that are so common with other anti-anxiety medications.


Another highly recommended natural anti-anxiety product, MindSoothe is used primarily for the more severe cases of anxiety. It is also an effective treatment for depression, OCD, insomnia and panic attacks.

Pure Calm

Just like its name suggests, Pure Calm contains soothing ingredients that calms the mind almost instantaneously. Like all other herbs for anxiety relief, this product does not produce any negative side effects and it doesn’t cause dependency problems either.

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Natural Anxiety Treatments Are Also Used For Conquering Anxiety

All people can feel some kind of natural anxiety from time to time — before an important job interview, during a medical emergency, or when about to perform on stage. It is perfectly normal to feel anxious during such situations. However, when you find that your anxiety levels rise up uncontrollably and too frequently, you might be suffering from an anxiety disorder that needs to be treated accordingly.

Common Signs of A Natural Anxiety Disorder

Natural anxiety typically goes away after the stressful event has passed. However, if you have an anxiety disorder, various signs still linger even when the cause of the anxiety has already disappeared. Such signs include headaches, constant fatigue, insomnia, indigestion, frequent sweating, irritability and tightness in the chest.

There are a number of medications that can be used to treat anxiety disorders but if your case is just mild to moderate, you might fare better by trying natural remedies first. According to experts, one of the best natural anxiety treatments is tea made from the leaves of the passion flower plant. This remedy has been used by North American Indians for centuries and still remains to be one of the most recommended natural anxiety treatments today.

All parts of the passion flower plant contains substances that can reduce anxiety levels but it is said that the best parts to use are the leaves and roots. If you are not really into herbal remedies, another natural method for conquering anxiety is to exercise regularly. You don’t even have to do strenuous workouts — light aerobics or a 20-minute daily walk can already bring down your anxiety levels, preventing the occurrence of any further anxiety attacks in the future.

Meditation and yoga are also great natural anxiety treatments. By taking the time to just sit quietly in a peaceful place at the end of each day, you can help your body relax and wind down even after a very stressful day at work. If you practice this regularly, you will soon find a marked improvement in how you deal with stressful situations and your anxiety attacks will also start to happen less frequently.

During meditation, one of the things that you need to focus on is your breathing. Oftentimes, people who suffer from anxiety attacks do so because they are unable to breathe properly, which in turn can make them feel more stressed and anxious. By opening your lungs and diaphragm and breathing deeply, you can easily melt away the stress that surrounds you, stopping anxiety attacks before they even happen.

Keep in mind that most anxiety disorders occur only because you let them. By taking charge of your body and mind, you can easily stop anxiety attacks without using any kind of medication whatsoever.

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