There Are Many Types Of Anxiety Disorders

Many people are suffering from different types of anxiety disorders. Life these days can be very stressful and it is though that this is part of the reason that so many people suffer from anxiety issues. In fact, even small children have been found to have anxiety problems. For this reason, it’s important to be able to identify the type of anxiety disorder you or someone you love might be suffering.

General Anxiety Disorder

When a person has this type of anxiety disorder, they will frequently worry about all kinds of things, including those things which can be controlled. For instance, a person with this condition might worry that they have some kind of illness or that they are going to wind up with an illness. A person who has this condition might also worry that they will go to sleep only to not wake up in the morning.

In addition to worrying about health, a person who has general anxiety disorder will likely always worry about their money. If they don’t have enough money, this is a worry; if they have plenty of money, they likely worry that they will lose all of their money. This might be contributed to by the fact that a person with this type of anxiety disorder will lie awake worrying that the very worst that could happen will.

It’s not uncommon for a person with general anxiety disorder to suffer from aches and pains, stomach problems, tension and headaches, as well as sleeping problems.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, or OCD

Often, OCD is a term used in making fun of a person’s idiosyncrasies, but this disorder is a common problem among many people and many others suffer from milder forms of this condition. A person who has a severe case of this type of anxiety disorder usually realizes that their thoughts are not rational, but they can do nothing to resist them. The most common categories of this condition are: washers who don’t want to get contaminated from germs so they clean and wash compulsively.

There are also checkers who check the clock, appliances and anything else that could pose a potential problem time and time again. Doubters and sinners are the people who worry that if things in life aren’t perfect then something bad will happen and counters and arrangers thrive on symmetry and order. A counter and arranger will be attracted to patterns, colors, numbers or arrangements of things.

Hoarding is also a type of obsessive compulsive disorder in which a person keeps everything because they are worried that they will suffer terribly if they get rid of anything at all, so they keep everything.

Panic Disorder

A person with this type of anxiety disorder often suffers from panic attacks. These will come on without any warning and the trigger can range from something which is unknown to something that a person is very well aware of. Symptoms of a panic attack might include trouble breathing, rapid heartbeat, shaking and sweating, a feeling of lightheadedness and nausea.

A panic attack rarely lasts for much longer than an hour and they often only last for about 10 minutes or so.

Social Anxiety and Phobias

In addition to these types of anxiety disorders, there are also phobias and social anxiety to contend with as well. Many people are surprised to find that they often suffer from more than one form of anxiety at one time, which can often complicate treatment and healing of the condition. It is essential to keep in mind that if you suffer from an anxiety disorder, you can get relief for this problem and start living anxiety free for life.

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Are You Dealing With Social Anxiety?

Are you having to deal with the anxiety and stress that social anxiety delivers? It is not unusual to feel somewhat anxious or apprehensive about meeting new people in social settings. However, those suffering with social anxiety take that mild apprehension to a whole new level.People with social anxiety actually change the way they live to accommodate their intense stress and fear.

Social Anxiety Symptoms

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Social anxiety may present in a number of ways, with different symptoms affecting people in different ways. The main symptom of the disorder is an irrational fear of social situations or activities, because you fear others are watching or judging you. Another common symptom is the fear that you will embarrass yourself in front of other people. Those fears will eventually result in an unwillingness to participate in different kinds of social activities, so you can protect yourself from that embarrassment.

In addition to the general, irrational fear of people and social situations, physical symptoms can also accompany social anxiety. Some of these physical signs might include heart palpitations, profuse sweating, stomach upset and trembling. Those suffering with the disorder might also find their voice shakes and they have difficulty making eye contact with those around them.

When you deal with social anxiety, you often also have to grapple with self esteem issues and the inability to accept any type of criticism. A person with social anxiety often knows that there is no logical basis for their fears, but that knowledge does very little to curb their stress. People begin to fear social situations of all kinds, and that fear can become a source of the anxiety all by itself.If your fears become so intense that they get in the way of your daily life, it is time to talk to your doctor about an effective treatment plan.

Social Anxiety Treatments

Treatment for social anxiety is usually multifold and encompasses both psychotherapy, medication or natural treatments. The best medications for social anxiety tends to be selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, including an all natural formulation, Provanax. You can read my review on ‘Provanax.’

Another treatment is cognitive behavioral therapy teaches those with social anxiety to modify their thought processes to reduce the fear involved with social situations.The combination of psychotherapy and medication allows many social anxiety sufferers to enjoy less anxiety and a higher quality of life.

The Social Strategies Audio Series‘ is a helpful coaching series by Jon Mercer. He overcame his shyness and social phobia and now is a personal coach and trainer.

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