5 More Techniques To Reduce Anxiety

As you know I provide plenty of anxiety relief techniques, but here are a few you can do right now. There are several things you can do to improve the way you handle stressful and anxiety producing situations. It sounds so simple but often we don’t apply what we know we need to do! By […]

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Techniques For Coping with Driving Anxiety

Do You Have A Fear of Driving? If you are someone that would like to overcome a driving fear, these tips may be very helpful. If you are the type of person who would rather run in the opposite direction in order to avoid driving or if you find yourself wobbling on jelly-legs whenever you […]

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Mindfulness Meditation For Anxiety

Mindfulness Meditation For Anxiety Relief There are many anxiety relief techniques that you may have tried, but have you tried mindfulness meditation for anxiety? The other day a friend of mine explained how she has found mindfulness meditation very helpful. I asked her if she would allow me to share her thoughts with you and she […]

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Diaphragmatic Breathing – How To Do Belly Breathing

Diaphragmatic Breathing For Anxiety Relief If you suffer from anxiety, you would have heard many times over – breathe deeply. That sounds easy, after all we were born to breathe…but most of us don’t breathe deep, we take shallow breaths. Is that normal or natural? Should we breathe deeply? Belly Breathing Technique Take a look […]

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Stress Relief Technique You Can Do Anytime

Stress Relief Technique To Increase Happy Hormones I found this great technique you might like to try to relieve your anxiety and stress. It is so simple you can do it anywhere (or perhaps not anywhere…you will see why in a moment), but you certainly can find a little private spot to calm yourself. There […]

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Dealing With Anxiety Attacks Naturally

Anxiety attacks seem to come on suddenly and leave as fast as they got there. Sometimes sufferers know the triggers and sometimes they don’t. If you suffer from anxiety attacks you can treat anxiety attacks naturally. Literally every aspect of a person’s life can be altered by anxiety attacks. When in a panic stricken state […]

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