Anxiety In Children Is As Common As Anxiety In Adults

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Anxiety usually makes you think of adults or perhaps teenagers facing difficult times, but the sad truth is it also occurs in young children. The main causes of anxiety in children unfortunately stems from their home life. You will often see this in children that have abusive parents or older siblings and in children whose parents have divorced. There are hundreds of reasons that all point to an abrupt change in their ‘normal’ home life.

It is important to note that child anxiety can also occur because of genetics. For example, if anxiety disorders run in a family, the chances are that a child will possibly inherit an anxiety disorder themselves.

So, what can be done for children who are suffering from anxiety? The first thing that should be done is organizing a session schedule with a therapist. If the child is in school, there is also an option for the child to see a school guidance counselor.

If the child has inherited an anxiety disorder, the doctor or professional with whom you are seeking advice will possibly undergo tests to determine if medication is necessary.

Sometimes, children who are exceptionally smart will experience anxiety simply because they want to do well in school. These children are often thought of as overachievers, and they will settle for nothing less than an A. They put undue pressure on themselves to be the best. It can cause a lot of anxiety and panic attacks when this happens.

For children experiencing this, you may like to seek help from your doctor to control their anxiety attacks. You can try to get the child to strike a balance between school and other activities. However, grades are important, and if the child expresses an interest to focus only on their grades rather than extracurricular activities, then that is generally alright.

There are also natural treatments for child anxiety you may prefer, including the Anxiety Free Child Program.

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About Jennifer Johnson

I suffered with social anxiety and stress for years. I discovered what my triggers were and learned to control them. Hopefully some of the natural anxiety relief techniques I have tried, will also be your solution. Follow me on Twitter · G+ Health Solutions · Pinterest

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